
Social Justice Organizations
$ 0 +
Total Donated
$ 0 +

OFSL has a partnership with CrowdChange. We have partnered with them to help you enhance your philanthropy events and fundraisers! Chapters have been EXTREMELY successful with CrowdChange, raising an average of 235% of what they raised the previous year for similar or identical events not on CrowdChange.

View Upcoming and Past Philanthropy events and sign up to participate or donate to a Philanthropy event or start your chapter’s fundraiser by viewing our Penn CrowdChange site below!

On October 19th, 2024 OFSL Staff and Students will volunteer their time for our September Day of Service at Cradles to Crayons. Please bring one donation items when you arrive. 

Thank you to all the #pennofsl who came out to give back to the community and those who donated goods beforehand. Our Greek community demonstrates exemplary Philanthropic and Community Service contributions. Making an #impact one service day at a time!

Social Justice

Donations to Social Justice Organizations

  • Anti-Racism Fund
  • Attic Youth Center
  • Black and Brown Workers Cooperative
  • Black Lives Matter (local, national, global)
  • Black Trans Fund
  • Breonna Taylor Memorial Fund
  • Campaign Zero
  • Know Your Rights Campaign
  • Loveland Foundation
  • Morris Home
  • NAACP Legal Defence Fund
  • Philadelphia Bail Fund
  • Project HOME Philadelphia
  • Reclaim the Block

Social Justice Fundraising Snapshot:

Alpha Epsilon Pi ΑΕΠ
Raised money to benefit Philabundance, Philadelphia’s largest hunger-relief organization. Asking people to `support their favorite brothers of AEPi as they participate in this no-shave challenge and let their hair grow crazy during quarantine! Their fundraiser for Philabundance raised $1,726.

Delta Delta Delta ΔΔΔ
Launched combined fundraiser and educational campaign on their social media accounts benefitting the Anti-Racism Fund (started by DDD UPenn alum Sesana Allen ’18). They published and reposted educational materials on the topic of antiracism, systemic racism, particularly in Greek life, intersectionality, racial bias on college campuses in the lead up to Juneteenth. They also came together as a chapter to write, vote on, and pass a pledge committing our organization to work on six pillars of improvement. They raised over $11,200 for the ARF.

Lambda Theta Alpha ΛΘΑ
Through money boards that Lambda Theta Alpha Latin Sorority, Inc. placed on each chapter member’s story and the chapter IG story. With a partnership with their brother fraternity at Temple. They encouraged their followers to donate to “fill out chart”, placing their IG handles in the slots for the amount donated. After 48 hrs, they collected $530 to donate to the Philadelphia COVID-19 fund.