IFC Recruitment: Register on Campus Director
PHC Recruitment: Registration is OPEN! Use this link to register: upenn.mycampusdirector2.com
IGC Intake: IGC Info Session 8pm on January 29th, 2025 in Bodek Lounge
Eligibility Requirements
In order to be eligible for membership, a candidate must:
Be a full-time enrolled undergraduate student in good standing with the University of Pennsylvania.
Have at least 4.0 course units completed on their University of Pennsylvania transcript.
Have a cumulative GPA of at least 2.50.
Must register on Campus Director or complete Aspirant Grade Verification Form within respective timelines.
Please note that individual chapters may impose additional academic requirements to the University standards listed above.
Course credits and academic eligibility vary across undergraduate schools. If you are considering in participating in recruitment, we encourage you to speak with your academic advisor.
2024 Council Presidents

Channing-Jaye Scott, IGC

Louis Colaiocco, IFC

Kaitlin Mrksich , PHC
Greek Life Calendar of Events
I'm Interested Newsletter
Intercultural Greek Council (IGC)
Membership in IGC organizations is open to all, and the Intake/Recruitment process will vary from chapter to chapter on a rolling basis throughout the academic year. Each chapter coordinates their own process that is not regulated by the IGC. Both the frequency and timing of the process are at the discretion of each organization. IGC chapters embrace a lifetime commitment and focus on academic achievement, cultural competence, and community service.
IGC conducts recruitment/intake processes which may include interest meetings and/or chapter-specific events where candidates (also known as “aspirants”) can learn about the organization. Some chapters work closely with a Graduate Chapter, comprised of members who were initiated after having graduated college, and/or their inter/national headquarters to receive permission to conduct a recruitment/intake process. All second-semester freshmen, as well as sophomores, juniors, and seniors are eligible to participate in the recruitment/intake if they meet the eligibility requirements.
At the beginning of the Fall and Spring semesters, this informal evening event is held to allow non-affiliated students to learn more about the different chapters in the IGC through tabling.
This event showcases Greek life through performances that you don’t want to miss! Don’t know what stepping and strolling are? Stop by to find out!
Once a semester, this informal panel is hosted to allow non-affiliated students to learn more about culturally based Greek organizations at Penn, the different chapters in the IGC and directly ask questions to members of our council’s organizations.
This event is a great introduction to Greek life and a way to learn about all of the organizations that make up our council!
The University of Pennsylvania Intercultural Greek Council presents the annual Penn Relays Triple ‘S’ Show the Saturday of Penn Relays Weekend, historically the last Saturday in April. Through stepping, strolling and saluting, our Greek organizations will portray a yearly theme. Join us at Irvine Auditorium for a celebration of history and culture! Link for tickets will be available annually at penn.crowdchange.co.
At the end of each academic year, graduating members of the council come together to celebrate their accomplishments alongside their Chapter and loved ones.
This celebration originated in the early 1990s at West Chester University when professors recognized the need to acknowledge the historical and personal challenges Black students face while obtaining college degree.
The annual pre-commencement ceremony honors our council members with the donning of a stoles made of Kente cloth in their organization’s colors.
IGC Chapters at Penn
Interfraternity Council (IFC)
There are two major periods in which IFC recruits new members to its 21 organizations (20 men’s and 1 co-ed groups): Informal Recruitment in the Fall semester and Formal Recruitment in the Spring semester. It’s important to note that Informal Recruitment is only for sophomores, juniors, and seniors, which Formal Recruitment is also open to freshmen.
However, only students that meet the eligibility requirements are able to join in the fall. Students must have at least a 2.50 GPA and have 4 completed course units. Individual chapter requirements may apply
Registration for IFC Recruitment!
The recruitment process begins by signing up on Campus Director, in which prospective students fill out an e-application that helps OFSL determine eligibility for joining.
After registering, if you would like to request an accommodation due to a disability, please work with Weingarten Center. Then contact the Office of Fraternity & Sorority Life if you would like to request access to an event by emailing vpul-ofsl@pobox.upenn.edu.
Registration on Penn IFC Campus Director is required for Recruitment. There is no fee to register. It is a simple question form and release for OFSL verification of academic eligibility. We encourage registration before Open Houses so that you can get communication about the schedule of events, and so chapters have your contact information to invite you to invite rounds. Register before Invite Recruitment to aid in processing eligibility which will help make sure you can be approved in time for bid distribution.
IFC Expo is the perfect time to learn how the spring IFC recruitment process works, learn what you need to do to be eligible to join in the spring, and meet members from each of the IFC chapters. We request that potential members register on campus director during or prior to chapters events so that they can access your name and contact information to contact you for an invitation to their Invite Recruitment event(s).
IFC “Open House” is the time in which any interested students are free to visit the chapter of each organization across three prescribed time slots (7-8pm, 8-9pm, and 9-10p). These events will be in chapter houses and schedule will be posted on campus director. We request that potential members register on campus director prior to this day so that you have access to the exact schedule of which houses during which blocks. As back up they will be posted on @Penn.IFC Instagram and communicated to those who register on campus director.
This stage of the process is similar to Open House, only events are now scheduled by the chapter. Most events for Open Recruitment will happen in chapter houses or near campus. This stage is about a week long so that potential members have time to explore many different chapters in the IFC. Time and location will differ by chapter and be shared through campus director, Instagram for IFC and the chapters.
This stage of the process is approximately a weekend long, and is similar to Open Recruitment, only events are now by invitation only. These events are in-person and may happen on campus or on trips to venues in Philadelphia. We request that potential members register on campus director during or prior to chapters events so that they can access your name and contact information to contact you for an invitation to their Invite Recruitment event(s) or coffee chats.
The main closing event of IFC Recruitment is Bid Day, where all prospective members for IFC organizations gather to find out which organizations have extended them an invitation of membership. Upon receiving a bid, students have 24 hours to submit their decision using Campus Director and complete a Greek Membership Affiliation Card (GMAC), which is submitted through Qualtrics to OFSL.
Bid Day also marks the beginning of the New Member Education Process, which by University policy is a maximum of 6 weeks (though most IFC chapters will have a 4 week or a shorter process). All chapters must initiate their new members before Thanksgiving Break (for fall recruitment) or Spring Break (for spring recruitment.) The New Member Education Process is structured like a class, with a mixture of brotherhood-building activities and meetings to learn about the chapter’s history, traditions, and values. Once the New Member Education Process concludes, a student officially becomes a lifetime member of an IFC organization at Penn!
Resources: Hazing Policies
The Interfraternity Council (IFC) has a list of program topics that are required to be covered in New Member Education for all IFC chapters. IFC partners with campus resources such as Penn Violence Prevention, Penn Wellness, and Penn LGBT Center to bring presentations to the chapters new members. Some are done within each chapter while others are done together in groups of IFC chapters. All new members are required to attend these sessions and chapters have minimum expectations for attendance set by the IFC.
IFC Chapters at Penn
Panhellenic Council (PHC)
Panhellenic Primary Recruitment is the formal process through which potential new members (PNMs) consider sororities, while sororities choose new sisters. The Primary Recruitment period is comprised of multiple rounds where potential new members visit each of the 7 chapters on Penn’s campus. Through a process of mutual selection, students narrow their choices until they are matched to a sorority following the last round.
There are two major periods in which PHC recruits new members to its sororities: Fall Continuous Open Bidding (COB) in the Fall semester and Spring Primary Recruitment in the Spring semester. All second-semester freshmen, as well as sophomores, juniors, and seniors, are eligible to participate in primary recruitment if they meet the eligibility requirements. Fall COB is only open to sophomores, juniors, and seniors.
Penn Panhellenic is dedicated to ensuring that everyone who identifies as a woman is given the full opportunity to take advantage of the benefits of sorority life, regardless of her race, religion, background, socioeconomic status, disability, or sexual orientation.
Registration on Panhellenic Campus Director is required for Primary Recruitment. Registration for Recruitment is a flat fee of $25. Registration closes on December 23rd, 2024. Joining a Panhellenic Sorority at Penn does have a financial cost.
Each sorority has dues for membership to pay for the experience that comes with being part of the organization. More information about these costs can be found in the flipbook and during the Philanthropy Round of Primary Recruitment.
This event marks the start of Primary Recruitment. Participants will be able to meet their Recruitment Guide (also known as a “Rho Gamma”) and learn about the details of recruitment during an orientation presentation from the Panhellenic Recruitment Team. This is required for all PNMs and will take place through a Zoom meeting and the Canvas Platform.
PNM’s will visit each of the 7 Panhellenic chapters in person with their Rho Gamma group. The open house rounds are an opportunity to meet all of the chapters. On this round, the chapter will want to get to know you, and hopefully, you will get to know them and get a feel for the chapter. This event goes the full day. You will meet with your Rho Gamma Group and at the end to enter your preferences for the next round of recruitment.
During the Sisterhood Round, PNMs will visit (IN-PERSON at Chapter Houses) the chapters they’ve been matched with to learn more about the chapters’ traditions and values. Prospective women will have the chance to meet more of the members and watch sisterhood videos. This event goes full day. You will meet with your Rho Gamma in person and on Zoom at the beginning to view schedule and at the end to enter your preferences for the next round of recruitment.
During the Philanthropy Round, PNMs will visit (IN-PERSON at Chapter Houses) the chapters they’ve been matched with to learn more about the chapters’ philanthropy and service work. Prospective women will have the chance to meet more of the members and watch sisterhood videos. This event goes full day. You will meet with your Rho Gamma in person and on Zoom at the beginning to view schedule and at the end to enter your preferences for the next round of recruitment.
You will meet with your Rho Gamma in-person and on Zoom at the beginning of the day to view your schedule, you should check in and out with your Rho Gamma at the end of your final Philanthropy Round event to enter your preferences for the next round of recruitment.
The Preference Round is a beautiful ceremonial experience. PNMs will visit (IN-PERSON at Chapter Houses) the chapters they are matched with to talk with sisters and experience their unique ceremony.
This event is starts late morning and goes until night. You will meet with your Rho Gamma in person and on Zoom at the beginning to view the schedule and at the end, you will connect with your Rho Gamma and then go to the main HQ (OFSL Building 3933 Walnut Street) to complete your Membership Recruitment Binding Agreement which lists your preferences for Bid Day with a staff member.
This day of celebration is when the official invitation (or “bid”) to join one of the Panhellenic organizations are given out. The bid will only be from one of the chapters you visited on the day prior (Preference Round.) This event starts late morning and goes into early evening with chapter events. New Members will meet with their Rho Gamma one final time and then go to Irvine to receive their official invitation and run to their sorority as part of the Bid Day celebration. Following this New Members will join their sorority for a sisterhood event.
Not all women who register for recruitment receive bids; however, PNMs who fully participate in recruitment by maximizing their options and participating in all events to which they are invited have a very high bid-matching rate at Penn.
Bid Day also marks the start of the New Member Education Process, which by University policy is a maximum of 6 weeks (though some chapters will have a shorter process). This year we are excited to resume in person. The New Member Education Process is structured like a class: when you receive your schedule, you will see a mixture of sisterhood-building activities, ceremonies, and meetings to learn about the chapter’s history, traditions, and values. The New Member Education Process concludes with a ceremonial ritual called initiation. Following initiation, students are lifetime members of their Panhellenic organization! All organizations must initiate their new members before Thanksgiving Break (for Fall COB) or Spring Break (for Primary Recruitment.)
Resources: Hazing Policies