2024-2025 Important Housing Dates - Move-in/Move-out
Fall 2024
August 23 – August 26
9:00 am
Fall Move-In begins
December 20
12:00 pm
Chapter Houses fully close for Winter Break (exceptions not permitted)
Spring 2025
January 11-14
9:00 am
Spring Move-In begins (exceptions not permitted)
May 14
12:00 pm
May Move-Out all non-graduating residents
May 20
12:00 pm
Houses Fully Closed and all residents moved-out

There are 31 official fraternity and sorority chapter houses on the University of Pennsylvania’s campus: 24 are owned/operated by Penn (in conjunction with Campus Apartments, LLC managing day-to-day maintenance) and 7 are privately–owned or leased by an organization. Only recognized fraternity and sorority chapters have chapter homes. The information on this page pertains mostly to the University-owned/operated properties.
Frequently Asked Questions
Chapter Housing Occupancy
All persons residing in a University-owned chapter house are enrolled students at the University of Pennsylvania. The University has a two-year housing policy for students to live in a College House. With the exception of a few special cases, all chapter house residents are current members of a recognized Greek organization’s chapter at Penn.
All students residing in University chapter houses are required to sign an Occupancy Agreement, similar to signing a lease for an apartment. OFSL distributes and collects Occupancy Agreements.
The Chapter House Manager and President first work with members to gain commitments and then facilitate the Occupancy Agreement sign-up process. New residents can be added if space is available at the chapter home.
Each chapter uses its own process to determine room selections (some factors might include participation-level in the chapter, position, graduation year, etc.). The House Manager and President complete an Occupancy Summary to outline room assignments, and OFSL reviews and approves the room configurations. Once the Occupancy Summary has been approved, the room assignments are finalized and entered into the University housing system.
Please note that Occupancy Agreements are non-transferrable, meaning that switching rooms/keys or occupying a room for which you did not sign an Agreement is strictly prohibited. Any and all room changes must be approved by the Chapter President and OFSL with emergency situations evaluated on a case-by-case basis.
Summer occupancy is not available except for the Kappa Alpha Society chapter home. Chapter leadership and alumni advisors determine whether the house will remain open for the summer.
Residents are prohibited from changing rooms without authorization from both the chapter House Manager, President, and OFSL staff. If a resident needs to change rooms because of extenuating circumstances threatening a resident’s wellness and safety, the resident should talk to their house manager first and work with Jon Bell, the Director of Fraternity/Sorority Residential Community.
Partnerships and Positions
Campus Apartments / University City Associates (UCA) is a partner of the University of Pennsylvania. As of 2016, their team has managed the day-to-day maintenance and facility-upkeep at all University-owned fraternity and sorority chapter houses. They work with Penn Facilities & Real Estate Management (FRES), OFSL, Provost Finances, student house managers and presidents, alumni/ae boards, house corporations, and other vested parties to coordinate regular maintenance, repairs, cleanings, and capital improvement projects for the properties through the vendors which they supervise. Link to submit a work order: ofslportal.residentportal.com. Only assigned residents can submit a work order.
For emergency issues only, the Emergency Facilities Hotline is (215) 349-7133. Submit an online work order after calling the Emergency Facilities Hotline, also.
A House Manager is an undergraduate member of a fraternity or sorority who typically lives in the chapter house, fulfilling a vital leadership position in the chapter’s executive board. Their role intersects with many areas of chapter life, primarily centering on facilitating a supportive, safe, and considerate living environment that is conducive to academic success. They are community builders in that they provide opportunities for residents to interact with others in affirmative, meaningful, and intentional ways. While a large component of a house manager’s responsibilities may include the coordinating care and upkeep efforts of the chapter facility, they also play a vital role as a referral agent by connecting residents to campus and community resources, responding to emergencies, educating chapter members on University policies, and encouraging positive interactions with members of the University community and beyond.
Chapter House Living
Living in a fraternity or sorority chapter house provides the opportunity for chapters to strengthen the bonds of their membership in a communal environment. Depending on the facility, chapter houses have different types of community spaces including living rooms, kitchens, study rooms, dining areas, game rooms, and more. Houses also have a range of bedroom styles including single-rooms, double-rooms, and three-person suites. Living in the chapter house can be a fun experience which allows you to build relationships with other members.
Each chapter has its own policy regarding providing furniture in bedroom spaces. Some chapters provide furniture, and some do not. Check with your house manager, chapter president, or alumni/ae advisor/house corporation if you have questions. OFSL maintains records of policy descriptions as submitted by house corporations. If you move into a bedroom and remove furniture that has been provided for you, you must ensure the furniture is placed back into the room when you move out; otherwise, you may be responsible for covering the cost to replace it.
Chapter houses cannot serve the purpose of a storage unit. Residents are not authorized to keep personal items, furniture, or appliances in the chapter house outside of the occupancy period outlined on their Occupancy Agreement. Any item left behind is done so at the resident’s own risk, and may be removed by Penn, OFSL, Campus Apartments, and/or an approved University partner. If OFSL or Campus Apartments authorize an item to remain in a chapter house, all guidelines must be followed. If a chapter house is having furniture and/or large appliance delivered, the chapter must coordinate the delivery with Campus Apartments.
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